City Alert : Hyderabad Police Launched 'What's App Policing' @9490617444

Fearing of going to the police station? Need police help, but afraid of calling them up? No need to wotty ..You can reach the police using your Whatsapp. Hyderabad Police on Friday launched Citizen-Police Connect programme through popular mobile messaging service WhatsApp. From now all  Sub-Inspectors and above rank officers will connected with Whatsapp.

Citizens can complain, report police by sending audio, video clippings, images to cell number 9490617444 relating to crime and any type of harassments.Apart from that  Traffic violations, traffic jams, any suggestions on improving traffic flow, any traffic violator who is resisting etc can also be made as complaints.

"The Rank below SI can only click the vehicle's photograph or detain it for any violation until a SI comes. Also, If you are charged falsely, accept the slip. Note the name and rank of the officer, forward a complaint with all the details to the Whatsapp number or to the traffic helpline no : 9010203626.,"
Hyderabad traiifc police shared on their official Facebook page.

So just add the number to your Whatsapp list. It may be useful for you in the needed hour.