15 Creative Long Exposure Photography Flicks Show Different World


long-exposure-photos-fireflies Long Exposure Photography: Firefiles by Tsuneaki Hiramatsu


long-exposure-photos-fireflies-amazing Long Exposure Photography: Fireflies by Yume Cyan

Fireworkslong-exposure-photos-fire-works Long Exposure Photography: Fire works by David Johnson

Fireworkslong-exposure-photos-fire-works-amazing-color Long Exposure Photography: Fireworks Alan Sailer

Glowsticks over a waterfalllong-exposure-photos-glowsticks Long Exposure Photography: Glowsticks by Sean Lenz and Kristoffer Abildgaard

Golden Wavelong-exposure-photos-golden-wave Long Exposure Photography: Golden wave by David Orias

Kaykerslong-exposure-photos-kayakers Long Exposure Photography: Kaykers by Stephen Orlando

A man shooting light out of his chestlong-exposure-photos-man-shooting-light-out-of-his-chest Long Exposure Photography: Man shooting light out of chest by Dennis Calvert



Long Exposure Photography: Matches by Caleb Charland

Planes taking offlong-exposure-photos-planes-taking-off Long Exposure Photography: Planes taking off by Terence Chang

A red headlamp goes for a walk at nightlong-exposure-photos-red-head-lamp Long Exposure Photography: Red head lamp by Tristan O'Tierney

Helicopter Bladeslong-exposure-photos-rotating-helicopter-blades Long Exposure Photography: Helicopter blades by Andreas Feininger

Star Trails Burstinglong-exposure-photos-star-trail-bursting Long Exposure Photography: Star trail bursting by Long Exposure Photography

Star trailslong-exposure-photos-star-trails Long Exposure Photography: Star trails by Long Exposure Photography

Swirling lightlong-exposure-photos-swirling-light Long Exposure Photography: Swirling light by Martin Kimbell (via Bestoftime)