Actress Tapsee Turned in to Writer on this International Womens Day

Curly hairy beauty Tapsee who is not seen in Tollywood recently entertained movie lovers with her Bollywood film Baby. According to the latest Tapsee turned writer. Don’t think she is writing a script or dialogues for her upcoming film.

She turned as writer for a good case. She wrote an article for a Bollywood web magazine on the eve of International Womens Day. Her write up 'Moving on...Over and Beyond' is attracting the attention of everyone.

In her writings Tapsee highlighted the problems faced by women in frank and precise manner. She put some intelligent questions to readers and analysts on the way society teating women.She throws straight questions like Why it’s majorly a female who cleans up our house whereas it's a man in most cases when it comes to cleaning a room in a star hotel?

Is there a rule written in any book with regards to this?

Or this is how we have set the standards?

Tapsee recently expressed her anger  on Mukesh singh one of the convicts of Nirbhaya Case.A fter watching the documentary shocked actress wanted to murder the rape convict. She also questioned about the change that imprisonment will bring among these men. she felt when there is no change why are these people still in jails?.

Taapsee  is currently starring in in Hindi and Muni 3-Ganga and Vai Raja Vai in Kollywood.